Academic Departments

Bennett High School Principal
Brian Schipper x7508
Principal Brian Schipper
Bennett High School Vice Principal
CTE Director  
Nicholas Ophaug x7506
Vice Principal Nicholas Ophaug
Executive Administrative Assistant
Brandie Capps x7000
Facility Use Coordinator/ HS Business Accounts Payable 
Kristy Llanes x7001
Alternative Education Principal
Cassandra Salberg x5507
District ELL Coordinator/DAC
Shelby Chase x7509
Library/ Yearbook Advisor 
Vanessa Knapp x7253
yearbook teacher Vanessa Knapp
Agriculture Teacher & FFA advisor
Kendal Linnebur x7403
Agriculture teacher Kendal Linnebur
Welding & Construction Trades
Skills USA Advisor
Anthony Staack x7430
CTE teacher Anthony Staack
Required Core Classes:
English: English 9 or Honors, English 10 or Honors, English 11 or Honors, English 12 or Creative Writing and World Lit. or College
Megan Simpson x7521
Language arts teacher Megan Simpson
Joseph Kasuboski x7405
Mandy Beals x7412
Foreign Language Lab
Tori Lindroos
Band/ Choir/ Theatre 
Valerie White x7402
Strength & Physical Education / Football Head Coach
Greg Koenig x7510
P.E teacher Greg Koenig
Physical Education & Health / Assistant Football Coach
Chris Dupree
Required Core Classes:
Science: Biology, 2 credits of choice
Megan James x7008
science teacher Megan James
Science / Cross Country & Track Head Coach
Lance Mangham x7414
science teacher Lance Mangham
Science / Performing Arts 
Wyatte Romkee x7276
science teacher Wyatte Romkee
Required Core Classes:
Social Studies: World History, American History, Choice Junior year, US Gov. and Econ
Social Studies / National Honor Society Advisor
John Sanders x7502
history teacher John Sanders
Social Studies/ Government and Economics 
Drew Tilka x7222
history teacher Drew Tilka
Social Studies
Jack Barcel x7422
history teacher Jack Barcel
Special Education Coordinator 
Teresa Spicer x7427
Special education teacher Teresa Spicer
Special Education
Jordyn Swallow x7727
Special education teacher Jordyn Swallow